Tips & Tricks: Virtual Assistant Path
Jasmine Arreaga is a San Diego-based virtual assistant who made the jump from the corporate world to starting her own business
It goes without saying that 2020 has been indeed a wild year, especially for those who have had to make adjustments to their careers. Jasmine Arreaga created and founded her own small business as a virtual assistant, helping other businesses thrive and save time. Here, she shares insight with tips and tricks on her big move — perfect and timely for National Write A Business Plan Month!
Specify your skill set
1. Find out exactly what you want to do! Working for yourself can already be overwhelming. There are so many skills that virtual assistants can provide. For example, the main services I offer are what I am strongest in: social media management, content creation and video services. Offering way too many services can get overwhelming for yourself and it may be unclear what your business is. I offer what I am best at!
Do what you love, love what you do!
2. Do what you love! I left corporate because I hated it, and it is not what I wanted to do. So, leaving the work I hated to just do the same work at home may not make you happy. I am offering services I love to do and I couldn’t be happier!
“It’s now or never…”
3. Start now! I was going back and forth with myself for weeks trying to decide if I should risk it and just start my own business. Once I quit my job and launched my new business and started to get new clients, I felt so proud and accomplished. I am so happy I started when I did. I encourage anyone thinking about it to go for it!
Plan, prepare and execute
4. I knew once I started my own business I would not be making the same income right away; I needed to build clientele. I made sure I had saved enough money to cover about two months worth of finances. This made the transition easier and not as stressful wondering how I was going to pay bills right away, and gave some cushion before I started to build up clientele.
Learn as much as you can
5. Make sure you are up to date with knowledge about the services you offer. Before I started social media management, content creation and video services, I did some research on what programs and apps were the most popular and what is the “need to know” in the field. This was before I launched my business… as soon as my business was live, I started to get inquiries. I was glad I knew exactly what I could provide the client and how we could grow their online business, my knowledge and confidence about what I do landed me my first client. In the intro call with the client they wanted to make sure I was educated about my services and you will benefit them & their business.
Ready to use Jasmine for your virtual assistant needs? Contact her on her website or Instagram. She’s ready to rock and roll with you!